January 6th, 1945

Dear Molly!

Thanx loads for the very nice Christmas gift! I received it during my visit in Chicago.

It seems so long since I last heard from you and Joyce Washington—do you see her? Kindly send her my regards, won’t you? While in Chicago, I stayed with Violet Saito and her family. I saw Sandie and Sadae, too! It appears as though everyone is growing up—just think, I’ll be 20 this year-tch, tch-an “o-ba-san” not “obasan”—but oba-san. (an old lady.) Every time I see Sandie—I think of you—you two were such inseperables [sic]!

Say is Kenny getting along? When next you write, please send my “hello”, won’t you? Remember Tadashi Kawabata—he’s in France—I just received a V-mail from him.

The West Coast is now “opened” to us—it seems so strange. Well Molly, I don’t know how things will turn out. Eventually, I suppose, we’ll return to Los Angeles, but I’m “planning” to stay here for awhile. (What I actually do—and what I plan to do—are two different things, nè?”

Los Angeles has the favorable climate, better living conditions—by that, I mean, not crowded—and individual homes—that’s about all. (Climate and the housing conditions make a great big difference—believe me!) Here in Illinois—the opportunities are much better—more jobs available (at present, anyway), the people, as a whole—appear to be more fair in their judgement, and broad minded.

Oh, I don’t know Molly, I’ve got to thin everything out clearly—evaluate the pros and cons—My folks haven’t decided whether they’ll be coming out here—or go directly to Los Angeles. Can you tell me how the conditions are out there? I know Mayor Bowron is still dead set against our returning.

Well Mol—I guess it’s time I signed off—extend my regards to Doris and the others, won’t you?

Write, when time permits—

‘Bye for now—

June Yoshigai—

355 Augusta Ave.

De Kalb, Illinois