June 7, 1944
Dear Molly,
Hi! Hope this letter finds you all in the best of health! Seems as if they’re (W.R.A.) going to start relocating the Japanese back to California. I don’t think many will go back though. Most of the Nisei’s are sick of the state of California, and are planning to stay out in the Midwest and east permanently. These people out in the east are really swell. The Japanese people have really scattered throughout the United States.
Some of the kids you use to know and where they are
Nancy Karokane (?) – Chicago, Ill.
Mary Murakami – St. Paul, Minn.
Seiichi (?) Fujioka – ” ” ”
Pfc. Joe Takadachi – Camp Savage, Minn.
Albert Ito – St. Paul Minn.
Natsuyi (?) Oka – Cincinnati, Ohio
Tets Kojima – Philadelphia, Penn. (I think)
June Ozawa – Philadelphia or Cincinnati
Michiko Igasaki (?) – Chicago, Ill.
Mukio (or Michio) Nagao (?) – Garland, Utah
Yoneko Tashiro – New York City (I think)
June Yoshigai – Chicago, Ill.
Violet Saito – ” ”
Chiyoko (Chiyeko?) Imamura – Missouri
Shigiko Sakamoto (?) – Pennsylvania Temple Univ.
That’s all I can think of now.
I’m now attending the Y.M.B.A. (YMCA?) College, School of Music. Staying with my dad now and keeping house for him. My mom and sis are still in Amache.
The Roosevelt kids really went to town in school politics back in camp. Tets Kojima was S.B. Prexy, Kach Kusada Senior class Prexy (is in Chicago). Edith Ritchie S. B. Vice Presxy, Sadae Nishioka S.B. Sec., Kazuko Masuda Senior Class vice prexy (I think). Gee Mollly, did you run for anything back in Roosevelt? If you didn’t, you sure will disappoint me cuz I thought for sure you’d be elected in anything you’d endeavor to be.
As for me, I managed to be elected to couple offices—Sec. Junior class, vice prexy senior class, Pres G.A.A., Business Manager High School Co-op. Well, “enuff” for today